The world may have slowed down its pace because of a world ravaging pandemic, but by supporting one another, we have overcome so many challenges together.
But the world is never as perfect as a fairy tale. Even when the world is in crisis, conflicts can still be found everywhere around the world. Even in North America, conflicts between different groups and communities have become apparent. By showcasing this year’s feature films, Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival aims to let the audiences focus on unique yet relevant social issues, generate understanding, and eventually lead to dialogue between communities. TWFF wants to do its part in supporting the people in need, and unite the community together.
The theme “Reacquaintance” means “to refamiliarize yourself with something you already know”. We know our audiences all have some degree of interest and knowledge about Taiwan, but this year, audiences will rediscover Taiwan through various excellent films and our carefully curated programs. They will once again fall in love with the fascinating culture that drew their attention in the first place.
By expanding from this year’s theme through 8 films and 4 panels, audiences can also experience the outstanding and energetic Taiwanese culture through the art of cinema, and find the connection between Canada and Taiwan.
For 15 years, Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival thrives as one of the most recognizable cultural event organizers with the generosity from the local community. With its influence and platform, TWFF would like to repay that kindness by paying it forward.